Sturgeon arowana is rich in a variety of nutrients, such as high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. These ingredients play an important role in maintaining human health and enhancing immunity. Choose our Sturgeon arowana products, you will get high-quality, safe, nutritious and delicious ingredients, but also contribute to supporting sustainable development and environmental protection.
Fish treasures, delicious Sturgeon dragon
Aftertaste of tradition, Sturgeon dragon fish, let you taste the ancient and pure natural delicacy
Sturgeon arowana, the whole body is a treasure, delicious crown
The rare choice, excellent quality, adds infinite light to your table.
Sturgeon dragon tendons

Sturgeon tendons are extremely rich in protein, far more than birds and animals, and are also rich in highly unsaturated fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA, which are essential fatty acids that can not be synthesized by the human body and are essential for the development of the brain and nervous system.

Fish cartilage

It is rich in chondroitin sulfate, which plays a certain role in the prevention of cardiovascular, diabetes, joint diseases and so on. In addition, Sturgeon cartilage contains 15-20 times more anticancer factors than shark cartilage, showing a strong anticancer effect.

Sturgeon belly

Rich in protein, colloid, phosphorus and calcium, it is a kind of food with high nutritional value and has beneficial effect on all parts of the human body. In the dietotherapy of traditional Chinese medicine, fish belly is regarded as a beauty treasure, which has a certain curative effect on the treatment of sores and furuncles, swelling and pain, low back pain, stomachache and other symptoms.

Sturgeon nose

Replenishing deficiency and qi, the swim bladder contains up to 80% bone collagen, which has a significant effect on leucorrhea, malignant tumor, kidney deficiency, impotence, spermatorrhea, slippery semen, hemoptysis, hematemesis, intestinal bleeding and neurasthenia.

Fish liver

Rich in metallothionein, it can replenish oxygen, remove toxins from the body and enhance immunity. On the other hand, protamine in Sturgeon testis can antagonize special substances such as heparin and antibacterial.

Sturgeon meat

Sturgeon meat also contains more than 20 essential amino acids, which is high in fish. Sturgeon is also moderate in fat and rich in unsaturated fatty acids and folic acid, which help promote brain development and soften the heart and cerebral vessels.

China (Yidu) Qingjiang Sturgeon Valley is based on a high level of science and technology, high aquaculture stock, and unique water resources environment and location conditions, its Sturgeon products are rich and varied, covering from traditional caviar and fresh Sturgeon to modern chilled products and quick-frozen products, as well as snack food, flavor condiments and other fields. In addition, Sturgeon Valley also further expand the industrial chain, developed drinks, nutrition and health products, biological products, cosmetics, leather goods, handicrafts and other diversified products. In terms of industry drive, Sturgeon Valley not only involves the traditional breeding, breeding, processing and sales links, but also covers feed, packaging, logistics, cold chain and other supply chain links, forming a complete industrial chain. In addition, Sturgeon Valley also actively expand business, catering, tourism, health care, medical beauty and other fields, realizing the diversified development of the industry.
China (Yidu) Qingjiang Sturgeon Valley to further expand the industrial chain
We include a wide range of products such as drinks, nutrition and health products, biological products, cosmetics, leather goods, handicrafts and so on.
Product classification